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Lulz Heavy sarcasm awaits. Are you a person who finds opportunities even in trolls? Well, let's find out. 처음 들어가면 요런 페이지와 함꼐 확인을 누르면 다른 페이지로 리다이렉트 된다. 저 곳에 사진이 일정시간 후에 계속 해서 바뀐다. 이곳 html을 봐도 관련 js를 봐도 아무런 것이 없다. 즉 이 페이지로 redirect되기 전의 페이지를 확인해야 했다.해당 페이지를 보는 방법은 여러가지 있을 수 있다. response packet을 보거나 javascript를 통해 redirect해주기 떄문에javascript 기능을 끄는 방법이다.Quick javascript Switcher.. 2017. 2. 26.
XiomaraCTF_Story of the Mafiakid_!! Hi I'm studying English hard for maybe 4 monthstherefore, I would have many wrong sentencesanyway Let's see problem Read mafiakid's story. Understand what he wish to convey. Hey but wait, he doesn't just let people get there easily. Try your luck. you can see it at first timethis page shows your ip so you can guess, if you want to enter this website so you must have s.. 2017. 2. 26.
XiomaraCTF_Easy Login? Hi this is my first write-up in English and I'm studying English hard for maybe 4 monthstherefore, I would have many wrong sentences anyway Let's see problem this is start page, I thought it is sqli at first time but it was not this is source pagefirst of all, I entered flag.css but I couldn't get anythingsso I entered main.jsLogin Portal Username : Password : then I got username and password fu.. 2017. 2. 26.