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XiomaraCTF_Story of the Mafiakid_!!

by 강깅꽁 2017. 2. 26.

Hi I'm studying English hard for maybe 4 months

therefore, I would have many wrong sentences

anyway Let's see problem

Read mafiakid's story. Understand what he wish to convey. Hey but wait, he doesn't just let people get there easily. Try your luck.

you can see it at first time

this page shows your ip so you can guess, if you want to enter this website so you must have specific address

how to parse a ip address in php??

maybe this php server use X-Forwarded-For

php use your real ip address, if you don't have  X-Forwarded-For header in your packet

but, if you add X-Forwarded-For header in your packet then php use X-Forwarded-For header

at first, I tried because it is Loop back address but It was not right address in this site

and then, I tried ctf site's ip 

I added X-Forwarded-For: in my packet then server returned page

like this

It was very hard for me

I just read that article and translated in Korea

and then I did to copy and paste that article

so that article changed other words xiomara{pr3f3r_sm@rtw@y_th@n_h@rdw@y}

maybe this technique is steganography

* if you have any questions about this ctf problem or what I wrote wrong sentences please send me a message

* if you know that technique(maybe steganography) so please tell me about what it is 

Email address: ket8780@gmail.com